Thank you for your votes in the November 2, 2021 election!

We did it!

Elect Margo

Margo Puffenberger will make intentional decisions based on the health and welfare of our environment and our Maumee community.

“When there is no vision, the people perish.”

~ Franklin Delano Roosevelt

A people-focused community

  • All of Maumee should support the ability to work, live or play through multi-use spaces

  • All modes of transportation (walking, biking, and lastly driving) should be taken into consideration when connecting our community

  • The safety and well-being of people should take precedence

  • Maumee needs to make more inclusive decisions for all income levels, races, physical abilities, ages, preferences, etc

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Clear & consistent communication

  • Maumee needs a communications person who is continually providing updates concerning happenings, events, projects, and plans for the city

  • Maumee’s brand and messaging should be consistent and clear through communications, marketing materials, choices in finishes, signage & vegetation

  • A consistent flow of communication from the city will keep residents updated and aware of activity within the community

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Intentional vision/plan

  • Develop a vision and comprehensive plan that creates goals for the next 5-10 years and details action items with parties responsible for implementation

  • Create a vision/mission statement that drives all decisions

  • Create more community programming

  • Be intentional when choosing the types of businesses we want in our community

  • Revise archaic zoning code to reflect a more people-focused & socially equitable community

Environmentally friendly community

  • Strive to set the standard for environmentally conscious communities

  • Uphold our responsibility for our location within the Lake Erie watershed

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indoor & outdoor spaces

Maumee needs more businesses throughout neighborhoods to create a more walk-able and well-rounded community. Separating zoning by usage is not environmentally friendly or socially equitable.

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